Monday Musing... Up and Coming
Quick post to let subscribers, lurkers and the random passerby know what things will be looking like here for the rest of February and March.
For one, FAVORITES ON FRIDAY and MONDAY MUSINGS might be sporadic while I am hustling to get Book Number Two ready for the big dance. These next six weeks I’ll be trimming the fat, tightening-tightening that corset and making her into the belle of her own ball. So while I might not be musing much or waxing poetic on the virtues of things like Due Uve (tell me you’ve all tried this amazing white wine blend) I will still be bringing you amazing voices.
First up this week is Leah Stewart. Leah and I shared Sally Kim at HarperCollins who introduced me to her incredibly sharp writing. I talked about Husband and Wife here, how incredibly she captures the realities of early parenthood, gender roles, putting a fresh spin on infidelity. And while her subject matter might seem to be directed at women, J read The Myth of You and Me while down in Cayman in two rapt sittings because of her deft handling of plot and true-to-life characters. So that’s this week, and I’m excited to have her.
Then starting on Friday, (because she is absolutely one of my favorite things), each day this coming weekend, I’ll showcase my very best writer friend Linda Davis’ short story This House in three stunning segments. I promise it will blow you away.
After that, we'll have Diane Lockward, Caeli Widger, Darin Strauss, Julianna Baggott and my senior mentor student Rebecca Gyllenhaal.
Thanks to all the subscribers and new fans who have written kind notes about CHOSEN these past few weeks, cheering me on and encouraging me on this coming book. You have no idea how much it motivates me to know that you’re out there, waiting.