Hello Book Clubs!
As part of my tour this fall and winter, I am planning guest author appearances at book clubs around the country.
Check the dates and cities below--if you live within an hour's drive from one of these cities and arrange for a book club appearance with me, I will enter you for the contest of 10 (ten!) free copies of CHOSEN for your book club, to be mailed to your book club coordinator on Sept 14th. (Drawing to take place by an independent party Sept 13th)
The PRIZE: 10 (ten) free signed hardcover copies of "Chosen" delivered to your book club coordinator to be shared with your book club or family/friends
RULES: all books clubs who sign up for an author appearance with me may enter, including those already booked on my current schedule, but you MUST respond to this blog, contact me by email or through my Facebook page. Please note that this is first come-first serve as my dates in some of these cities are limited and are already filling up. See the EVENTS link on my website for dates already taken. If you don't see your city below, contact me and we'll see if we can work something out.
various dates Sept 14-February 12, 2011 (contact me for details)
PORTLAND, OR -- Sept 29-Oct 6
LOS ANGELES, CA -- Oct 7-14
CHICAGO, IL -- Oct 20-23
ATLANTA, GA -- Oct 25-29
IOWA CITY, IA -- Nov 8-10
ANN ARBOR, MI -- Nov 11-13
CAYMAN ISLANDS, BWI -- Dec 26-Jan 12
TAOS, NM-- Feb 12-19
Good luck!
The winner of the book club drawing is LINDA DAVIS of Santa Monica, CA!
Thanks to everyone who entered. If you're still in a contest mood, post a review of "CHOSEN" on a major book site like Amazon, GoodReads, B&N or Borders and send me the link to your review. You will be entered in a contest for one free book to share with a friend, drawing to take place mid-October.
Thanks again and good luck!