Blog vs. Essay
I have just completed an essay about my marriage that is close to my heart. (We use that phrase a lot around here, from years ago when Hayden's most-precious and still-AWOL possession was a scratched up die cast police car he'd named "Special-Po-Po-Close-To-My-Heart", since that is exactly where he clutched it.)
But I can't tell if this is a blog entry or an essay. My publicist is submitting it for article publication, so that smells like Essay. (Each time an essay sells, it will disappear from this site here and I'll post a link to its new, syndicated home.) But the topic is so personal, so... close to my heart. Feels bloggish.
It's about why I closed my event-planning doors, hung up my wedding planner headset, (okay, I never had one; we used cell phones) and devoted myself to motherhood, writing and my marriage full time.
Anyway, you can read about this here.