Favorites on Friday: the smell of cement
I am here in Colorado at my brother's house, and there are so many things I could come up with as favorite things today, like the way my daughter and her two cousins fell into each other's arms and held hands as they skipped through the Denver airport, or seeing the sunrise over the red-rocked valleys and pines, or cheering my boys on during their first elated ski runs.
But I am picking something obscure: the smell of cement. Their house has a natural rock bathtub and shower, and when the water runs, it releases my favorite smell--the earthiest, basest, claylike of scents. I am in love with this smell, the deepest, most delicious. I have loved this smell since I was little; always stuck my nose between the rocks of our childhood fireplace and relished walking cement sidewalks after a warm rain.
Isn't wet cement the most incredible smell in the world? Does anyone even know what I am talking about?
If you don't agree, tell me... what is your favorite smell?