Favorites on Fridays: Benadryl

So I'm going to try something new, writing each Friday about one of my favorite things. You can also look forward to some exciting new guest posts from the likes of MoxieMomma and The Bird Sisters' Rebecca Rasmussen. But for now, an ode to my favorite thing this Friday...


To the gods of Benadryl, 

I have been infrequent in my prayers and thanks; I admit I only come to you regularly when I am flying alone with children under the age of five who prefer to fall asleep somewhere over Maryland and wake up when the plane touches down in the Caribbean. And then there was that time at the VOA black tie dinner, when I ate a bite of crab cake, not realizing that I had developed an adult onset severe shellfish allergy--you really came through on that one. If not for you (and the guy at the bar who thought I was choking and whacked me on the back until I threw up in my napkin), I might not be here. But I confess I don't think of you often, don't even carry you with me at all times; I forget just how important you are to me. 

So thank you for hearing me last night when Max came inside shaking and "chivering" he called it, covered in full-body, dime-sized welts and hives, an allergic reaction to new meds for pneumonia. 4 teaspoons later, your powers amaze me--YOU are my favorite thing this Friday.